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Jaguar Side Cutter

The Jaguar Low Reach Side Cutter is an all metal attatchment suitable for most low reach machines. This attatchment will actually cut the edge of your fabric and by using the overedge stitches on your sewing machine giving you a flatter edge therefore neater seams!

Full instructions included.

SKU : JAG705L/CY10

Jaguar Side Cutter


Jaguar Side Cutter

The Jaguar Low Reach Side Cutter is an all metal attatchment suitable for most low reach machines. This attatchment will actually cut the edge of your fabric and by using the overedge stitches on your sewing machine giving you a flatter edge therefore neater seams!

Full instructions included.

SKU: JAG705L/CY10 Category:

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    Jaguar Side Cutter.

    The Jaguar Low Reach Side Cutter is an all metal attatchment suitable for most low reach machines. This attatchment will actually cut the edge of your fabric and by using the overedge stitches on your sewing machine giving you a flatter edge therefore neater seams!

    Full instructions included.

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